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Juan Jesús Yelo

The project (En)torno al entorno (sonoro), coordinated by Professor Juan Jesús Yelo, was developed by adolescent musicology students at the Institute of Secondary Education [I.E.S.] Floridablanca (Murcia). The project istelf has two distinct facets. On the one hand, there is the facet of the artist-authors: a process of listening, reflection and action in which students begin by listening to the sounds in their proximate environments (ranging from the inside of their body to their external, urban environment) and reflecting upon them. This process of reflection is meant to lead them to create audio pieces, using the sounds within their surroundings and manipulating them on a computer. In this way, they fulfill the two basic processes of a correct auditory education: perception and expression. On the other hand, the "public"(in this case, Twitter users) will also carry out a process of listening, reflection and action, by verbalizing their reflections about the presented audio through Twitter.

You can check the tweets generated during this Twitter residency by clicking on the following file or on our Twitter account.

Secretary of the Murcian Association of Sound Art & Experimental Music “Intonarumori”. Professor of Music at the I.E.S. Floridablanca de Murcia. Associate PDI in the UM Education Department’s Plastic, Musical and Dynamic Expression program. Along with his students he has premiered his work at the 2009 “AlterArte” Festival in Murcia and the 2013 “Mucho más mayo” Festival in Cartagena. He has also curated the exhibition “Sound  Landscapes Listening to Painting” at the BBAA Museum and the The LAB (Murcia, 2012).



(En)torno al entorno (sonoro)


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